Europe is home to some of the most incredible cities in the world – from timeless classics like Paris and Rome, to vibrant hubs like London and Berlin. But behind this façade of beauty lies a sinister side; with Europe’s ten deadliest cities lurking beneath its polished veneer. Numbeo has carried out a comprehensive survey to identify the most dangerous cities in Europe. So buckle up, because you’re about to take a tour through an underworld of danger and crime unlike anything you’ve ever seen before!
Crime levels are always changing, but there are certain European cities that have become notorious for their high levels of violence over the years. Here we will explore exactly what makes these places so dangerous, and which cities made it onto our list as being among Europe’s top ten riskiest places. From gang-run streets teeming with drug dealers, to areas where even police fear to tread – get ready for an eye-opening journey into Europe’s dark side.
So let us begin by taking a closer look at just how bad things can get in some parts of Europe – prepare for shock and awe as we reveal Europe’s 10 most dangerous cities!
10. Nice, France
Nice, France is one of Europe’s most dangerous cities. It has a thriving drug trade and a high crime rate. The city also suffers from gang violence and rampant poverty.

The police force in Nice struggles to keep up with the level of criminal activity. In particular, they are ill-equipped to deal with serious crimes such as robberies and murders. There have been several reports of shootouts between rival gangs in recent years.
Furthermore, there is an alarming amount of human trafficking taking place in Nice. This includes sexual exploitation, forced labor, and child labor. Human rights activists have raised concerns about the lack of laws governing these activities in the city. With all that said, it’s clear why Nice is rated as one of Europe’s most dangerous cities.
9. Liège, Belgium
Liège, Belgium has been named one of Europe’s ten most dangerous cities. This small city in the Liège province is no stranger to crime and violence. It has a history of gang warfare, random attacks, and general lawlessness that give it an air of danger and unease.

One example of this rampant violence can be seen in the 2018 attack on Liège’s Christmas market by Benjamin Herman, who killed three people before being shot dead by police. The incident shocked citizens and highlighted how quickly violent events can take place within the city walls.
Not only are there incidents like these that plague Liege regularly, but everyday life here often involves struggles with poverty and unemployment. As such, many residents turn to criminal activities to make ends meet – further heightening the sense of danger for visitors or those new to Liege. Without sufficient resources available from the local government or elsewhere, much of the population endure living conditions fit for criminals rather than hardworking citizens trying to better their lives. Consequently, Liege remains one of Europe’s most unsafe places – despite its beautiful architecture and rich culture.
8. Montpellier, France
Located on the Mediterranean Sea in southern France, Montpellier has a long history of crime and violence. The city is known for its high rates of theft, assault, and drug trafficking.

In recent years, the problem has only become worse. Drug-related crimes have significantly increased in the past decade and violent assaults are becoming more common. There have been several reports of mobsters operating within the city limits as well.
The local government has taken steps to combat this issue by increasing police presence and implementing new security measures. Despite these efforts, however, crime remains an ongoing threat to residents and visitors alike. It’s important to remain vigilant when traveling to or around Montpellier so that you can stay safe during your visit.
7. Naples, Italy
It has a long history of organized crime and violence, with many gangs operating in the city. The situation in Naples can be quite volatile; it is not uncommon for gun fights to break out between rival groups or even within neighborhoods. These episodes are often linked to turf wars over drug trafficking or other criminal activities.

The high levels of poverty and unemployment that plague much of the region also play a role in making Naples so dangerous. This leads to desperate acts committed by people who have no other option but to resort to crime as their means of survival. In addition, gang members are known to recruit vulnerable young people into their ranks, which only increases the problem.
Authorities struggle to combat organized crime and restore safety to the streets, yet progress remains slow due to limited resources and corruption at various levels of government. As such, citizens remain largely unprotected from those involved in illicit activities like drugs and extortion schemes. Although police presence may help deter some criminals from taking action against innocent civilians, this alone will not be enough to make significant improvements in reducing violent crime rates throughout the city.
6. Birmingham, United Kingdom
The crime rate has skyrocketed over the past few years in Birmingham, UK, leaving little safety for its inhabitants. The number of acts of robbery has risen astronomically, with brazen criminals often using weapons such as knives or guns while committing their atrocious deeds. Reports suggest that violent assaults are extremely common in certain parts of the city, making these areas particularly hazardous to walk through. Furthermore, drug trafficking plays an increasingly large role in criminal activity here – many gangs use dealers to move contraband around the city for their gain.

Given the alarming rates of violence and other forms of criminality, it would be wise to avoid Birmingham unless necessary. The area should not be taken lightly – visitors should exercise extreme caution when navigating through this treacherous maze of danger and despair.
5. Nantes, France
Moving on from Birmingham, we come to Nantes in France. This city of around 300,000 people is the sixth-largest in the country and has a rich history stretching back centuries. However, it isn’t without its dangers. The crime rate is higher than average for French cities, with robberies being particularly common in certain areas. Additionally, there have been some reports of violence against tourists and locals alike.

Nantes’ public transport system can be unreliable at times which means that many people opt to take taxis instead. Unfortunately, this can make them vulnerable to criminals who target taxi users as they are often carrying valuable items or cash. To stay safe while traveling through Nantes by car or public transport, ensure you are aware of your surroundings and remain vigilant at all times. It’s also important to avoid walking alone late at night and stick to well-lit streets if possible.
Overall, Nantes remains relatively safe compared to other major cities in Europe but you should always exercise caution when traveling here just like any other unfamiliar place. Taking basic safety precautions such as keeping valuables out of sight will go a long way towards ensuring a trouble-free trip!
4. Coventry, United Kingdom
Coventry, UK is the fourth most dangerous city in Europe. It has an alarming rate of violent crime, with a large percentage occurring in public areas and around the city center. Additionally, there are high levels of gang-related activity, with numerous organized gangs present in Coventry. As such, the risk to citizens’ safety is considerable.

The police force in Coventry has done its best to combat these issues by increasing patrols and introducing CCTV cameras throughout the city. However, despite this increased presence on the streets, residents still feel unsafe due to the prevalence of criminal activity in certain parts of town. Moreover, many businesses have been forced to close or move out due to fear for their safety and that of their customers.
Therefore it can be argued that Coventry remains one of Europe’s most dangerous urban environments today; its residents live under threat from criminals who show no regard for law enforcement or people’s personal safety.
3. Catania, Italy
Catania in Italy is the third most dangerous city in Europe. The city has a long history of crime and violence that continues to plague its citizens today. With high rates of theft and robbery, it’s no wonder why Catania consistently ranks among some of the most dangerous cities on the continent.

The Sicilian mafia plays an undeniable role in contributing to this atmosphere of fear and anxiety in Catania. Mafia-related crimes such as extortion, drug trafficking and money laundering have been rampant for decades now. Even though law enforcement authorities are making attempts to crack down on these activities, they still remain a major problem throughout much of Sicily.
That being said, there are plenty of positive aspects about life in Catania too – from its stunningly beautiful architecture to its vibrant culture and nightlife scene. But unfortunately, it’s not enough to outweigh all the negative elements associated with living here. For those who wish to travel Catania, extra caution should be taken when out at night or alone in public areas.
2. Marseille, France
Marseille, France, is ranked second in the top 10 most dangerous cities in Europe. However, while it is true that Marseille experiences a high crime rate, the situation can be largely attributed to poverty and social exclusion among its residents.

The city is home to some of the poorest areas in all of Europe, such as La Castellane and Les Caillols. These neighborhoods are characterized by overcrowding and inadequate housing conditions, with many families lacking access to basic necessities like running water or waste disposal systems. This lack of resources has caused drug use and gang activity to thrive within these impoverished communities, leading to increased violence throughout Marseille.
Despite this difficult reality, there have been efforts made to improve life in Marseille through initiatives such as urban renewal projects for marginalized populations. In addition, local authorities have created programs aimed at combating organized crime and providing employment opportunities for young people living in disadvantaged parts of the city. While progress has yet to be seen on a large scale, these steps should continue in order to reduce crime rates in the long run.
1. Bradford, United Kingdom
Turning our attention away from Marseille, we come to Europe’s most dangerous city: Bradford. Located in West Yorkshire, this ancient settlement is home to a population of more than 300,000 people. It has been plagued by crime and violence for decades due to its large immigrant population and high unemployment rate.

In recent years, Bradford has seen an increase in gang-related crime and drug trafficking. This is largely attributed to the fact that many young people are drawn into criminal networks as a way out of poverty or lack of economic opportunity. The local police force has done what it can to tackle these issues but it remains one of the UK’s most deprived cities with nearly 45% living below the poverty line.
Despite these problems, there are still signs of hope; over the last few years, several initiatives have sprung up designed to help those who are struggling and provide them with support services such as education programs, job training, and mentoring opportunities. These efforts demonstrate that while Bradford may be one of Europe’s most dangerous cities it also offers potential for change and growth if given the right resources and support.
It’s safe to say that Europe is home to some of the most dangerous cities in the world. From Liege, Belgium, and Catania, Italy, to Birmingham and Bradford in the UK – there are numerous places where one should take extra caution when visiting.
Of course, this doesn’t mean you have to stay away from these cities completely! Just be sure to use your common sense if you’re traveling around; with a bit of research and preparation beforehand, you can make sure your visit goes off without a hitch – or even more impressively, an adventure so exciting it’ll feel like a rocket taking off into outer space!
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